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How can an ordinary person be part of ensuring an extraordinary gift by making a donation in their will? It's simple! Creating a gift in your Will for local healthcare is the simplest way to create a legacy of everlasting care. Legacy gifts provide vital, stable support for the work of our healthcare teams and whether your estate is large or small, you can make a difference for so many patients and families in our communities, and provide quality care for years to come.

Click Here to Read our 2024/25 In Memoriam and Planned Giving Newsletter

Ways to leave a lasting legacy

There are many different ways to make a planned gift in your will to the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation.

Charitable Will Bequests: Allows you to make a major charitable contribution which may not be possible to make during your lifetime.This can be a designated amount of money, personal asset, a percentage or portion of your estate, or the money that remains after all your wishes have been carried out to care for your family.

Stocks and shares: Leave a lasting legacy in your will by leaving shares, stocks or securities to the Foundation.

Retirement funds: When you include St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation as a beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF, you can ensure your loved ones are still cared for while providing a donation to the Foundation.

Life Insurance: Did you know you could name St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy? Your estate will also receive a charitable tax receipt

Leaving a gift in your will is easy

All it takes is a simple sentence or two in your will.


  1. Tell your lawyer or the person looking after your will that you would like to make a gift to the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation in support of local healthcare.
  2. Instruct them to help you revise your Will to include a written statement like the one below.

Sample statement to add to your Will:

“I direct my trustee(s) to pay the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation, Barry’s Bay, Ont., the sum of $_____ (or ___% of my estate, or the gift of _______) to be applied as determined by the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation

Legal Name: St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation

Charitable Number: 89453 4817 RR0001

Address: 7 St. Francis Memorial Dr., PO Box 129 Barry's Bay, ON K0J 1B0

Contact Us: Erin Gienow; Executive Director - erin@sfvhfoundation.com - 613-756-3044 ext. 333

Even a gift in your Will of 1% of your estate can make a difference.

In some ways, leaving a gift in your Will might also allow you to leave a larger gift than might have been possible during your lifetime.

Our community healthcare legacy has been built with the help of gifts made years ago by forward thinking individuals who included SFVH in their estate plans. You can part of this legacy team by considering making a gift in your Will for the future.

We would be very pleased to know if you have named the SFVH Foundation in your estate plans so that we can express our personal gratitude and ensure you receive the recognition you deserve. We will hold the information in confidence should you wish to keep the gift confidential.

Meet some of our Planned Giving families:

Eva Kulas
Eva Kulas

She was a proud supporter of local healthcare, and was one of the original members of the MV Hospice Palliative Care Board. She served as an...

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Joe Blaskavitch
Joe Blaskavitch

As one of his final gifts to his beloved Barry’s Bay, Joe left a gift in his will to the Foundation, to be directed to St. Francis Memorial...

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Jan Gregalis
Jan Gregalis

A World War II veteran and a founding member of the Polish Combatants Association in Toronto left a significant gift in his Will to St. Francis...

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